2010 №42010 #4 (15)


The theme:

Russia Abroad

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Latushko Yi. V. 
From the editor of a heading
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Khisamutdinov A. A. 
The Russians in America: problems of adaptation
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The article describes the history of the Russian Diaspora in the Pacific coast of the USA and gives its social structure and characteristics.
Argudyaeva U. V. 
Russian Old Believers in the USA
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The article is devoted to the ethno-cultural group of Russian – Old Believers, who emigrated to the U.S. in the 1960's from Asia. The problems of adapting to a new region, national identities and their transformation in the economic and family life, material culture are discussed. The leading role in preserving and promoting of the Russian culture and religious traditions is taken shape.
Shugailo T. S. 
Anti-Soviet propaganda in the Russian emigrant editions in 1950 (the example of newspapers, "Russia" and "New Russian Word")
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The article analyzes anti-soviet propagation on pages of the Russian emigrant press in USA in the 1950s. It determines the role of emigrant press in the forming of views in the Russian diaspora in the USA in respect of the Soviet Union. In the period of the cold war Russian emigrants and their press were considered in USA as an instrument of propagation between the West and the USSR. The author pays her attention to the russian newspapers NEW RUSSIAN WORD and RUSSIA in USA. These newspapers showed the ideology of the Russian diaspora in USA. The Russian people reacted to any changes in the international world and learnt problems which took place in the USSR.
Solodovnik I. V. 
Russian-speaking mass-media in Australia and Canada
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There is information about Russian emigration in Australia and Canada. Why these countries were interested by our compatriots and whom "terra incognita" was conquered? What is the reason of arisen Russian-speaking mass media and how are they look like today (we just speak about Sydney city and Russian redaction radio "SBS-Sydney" and Vancouver city with russian-speaking TV "United Voices").
Stavrov I. V. 
Some aspects of Russian’s adaptation in Manchzhuria in the first half of the XXth century
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This article is devoted to the problem of adaptation of Russian emigrants in North-East China in the beginning of XX century. Using materials of the State Archive of the Khabarovsk Territory, the author demonstrates the cultural and educational role of Russian immigrants, and introduces readers to the problems of adaptation to alien cultural environment. Despite the extensive outreach activities, the Russian diaspora as a whole was not receptive to Chinese culture.
The social and demographic structures  
Vashchuk A. S. 
The demographic threats and the risks of migrations in the south of the Russian Far East in early of the XXI century
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The article deals with the new tendencies of the influence of migration and natural reproduction factors on the decrease of population in the south of the Russian Far East. The interdependence of the demographic (high mortality, short life expectancy) and migratory (mass departure of the people with higher education, the specialists and the persons of the capable of working age) threats are revealed. The social-demographic risks of the tough pragmatism of the migration policy which is directed only to receiving the cheap labor power are examined.
Cultural and ideological factors of regionalization  
Postnikov V. V. 
To the comprehension of the name "Vladivostok": historical and political images of the Pacific Russia
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The analysis of the names "Peter the Great Bay","Vladivostok", "Constantinople of Pacific", etc. is carried out. The suppositions that the base of these names gave famous from the 1850s ideas of the Pacific Rim as the main region of the international life in the future, of the necessity of development of sea power of Russia, of the great meaning of the Far East for Russia are expressed.
Political relations and management of region  
Iskhakov R. L. 
The historical prototype of the federal district (About history of the Idel-Ural State)
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The first description of the Idel-Ural State (1917 – 1918) as an image of the federal districts in contemporary administrative-territorial structure of the Russian Federation. The author introduces into the scientific usage the new facts from the history of the national statehood in the Volga and Ural region.
Zolotuhin I. N. 
The Peculiarities of the National Policy in the South-East Asia after WW II
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In the article the peculiarities of national policy in South-East Asia is considered by the author. The mechanisms and trends of national policy, difficulties in its implementation, ideological constructs, and other aspects of the investigated problem are clarified. The influence of ethnicity on political processes in the region is particularly pointed out.
World system and inter-regional relations  
Zhurbey E. V. 
Foreign policy and foreign political process of the George H.W. Bush administration
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This article focuses on the foreign policy process of the republican administration of George H.W Bush during the 1989 – 1992 periods. The author pays particular attention to technological aspects of the work of the top U.S. administration and ensures an international course of the state. The product of the functioning of the foreign policy process is – politics, policy, forms of behavior in the outer sphere for it, that is, the content of foreign policy. On the basis of scientific decision-making models the U.S. foreign policy of the republican administration of George H.W. Bush is being analyzed.
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Nalivaiko P. N. 
Russian-American relations at the present stage: was there a "reboot"?
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The main purpose of the paper is to investigate the Russian-American relations at the present stage. Many facts indicate that with the advent of the new leaders of the Russian-American relations came during the warming and the formal and informal level.
Scientific seminar "Cross-border relations in the North-East Asia in political, economic and socio-cultural dimensions"  
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Zhernovoj M. V. 
Security of the person in the Primorye Territory: problems of providing
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The article is devoted to assessing the comparative level of personal security in the Primorye Territory on the basis of analysis of data polls. The author presents the methodology for constructing the integral index of human security from criminal attacks.
Scientific messages  
Golobokov A. S. 
China and military contacts in the Shanghai cooperation Organization
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China is truly interesting in military-political potential of Shanghai Cooperation organization (SCO). This interest can be found in joint statements of SCO defense ministers’ annual meetings, in CPR high attitude to SCO’s antiterrorist exercises, and in the demonstration of new armaments and techniques to the rest of SCO’s members. Is this interest dangerous to the organization? What aspects of military contacts are in priority to China?
Barbenko Y. A. 
The Anthology of Economic Thought in the Far East
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The paper reviews two volumes of "The Anthology of Economic Thought in the Far East" series. This series returns to the scientific sphere writings, which have theoretical and methodological value.
Scientific life  
Kanevskaya G. I. 
The Third International Conference "Nansen Reading, 2009"
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Karaman V. N. 
IX Russian-Japan forum
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Kondratenko G. V. 
Science Festival in Vladivostok
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To Readers  
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Our authors  
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